Barbara Egli Painting on Wooden Easel

Augustana Minneapolis Donor Spotlight – Meet Barbara Egli

The mission to foster fullness of life at Cassia is more than an abstract idea. It reveals itself in the smiles of residents and the peace families experience when they see loved ones thriving.

Minneapolis campus resident Barbara Egli personifies fullness of life, which includes giving back. Barbara is an artist, pianist and singer and a warm, welcoming neighbor to new residents. She is also a committed volunteer, assisting with mailing projects, participating on the resident council and helping renovate the campus library.

Barbara credits Cassia’s spiritual care team with her ability to enjoy a fulfilling life after the long illness and passing of her spouse. “The insights and wisdom our chaplain offered me during that time continue to help me to this day. Staff members offer inspirational messages from many religions and philosophies with the highest level of sensitivity,” she says. Barbara supports the Cassia community by supporting our spiritual care programs and activities. She asks you to join her in keeping our programs vital by giving a gift today.

To learn how to give to your care community, please contact or call 952-855-5189.